October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month! Meet the Romeros! They are raising two beautiful kids with Down syndrome– their son is biological, and their daughter, Liv, is adopted from Ukraine. What is life like raising Liv? Read below to find out!

We adopted our adorable 3-year-old daughter Livia from Ukraine in August 2020. Since Livia has Down syndrome, she has developmental delays and some additional medical needs that require a bit more attention. We have a fantastic therapy team that includes a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, and a feeding therapist. Livia is highly motivated and loves the attention that she gets during her therapy sessions. She is now learning to walk, drink from a straw, and total communication, including spoken words and signs/gestures. Since bringing Livia home just 12 months ago, Livia has already met many of her therapy goals and milestones, and we love to celebrate each of her achievements. In terms of medical needs, people with Down syndrome have an increased risk for specific medical conditions, so Livia regularly has health checks, including bloodwork, eye exams, and hearing checks.

Life with Livia is terrific, and we are so happy to have her in our family. Livia loves to do all of the things that other little girls like to do, including listening to music, playing with baby dolls, swinging outside, and just hanging out with her parents and three big brothers. She is more alike than different, and her diagnosis of Down syndrome doesn’t define her. My advice to anyone considering adopting a child with Down syndrome is to go for it! These children will thrive with love and care, including developmental supports, nutrition, and medical care. Adoption is not easy and will likely include many highs and lows but in the end, giving a beautiful child with Down syndrome a second chance at having a fulfilling life is such a beautiful thing. I think your son or daughter might just be waiting for you to say YES! We cherish our daughter and show her how worthy she is each day. We are so thankful we said YES!
If you are interested in adopting a child with Down Syndrome, please email us at mail@ccaifamily.org. If you are interested in adopting a child from Ukriane, please email us at EEadoption@ccaifamily.org or click here.