Orphan Care

Lily Orphan Care Centers

Personalized Touch

To be salt and light

Realizing that they could make an immediate difference in the lives of children remaining in China’s orphanages, Josh & Lily established CCAI’s first Lily Orphan Care Center (LOCC) in Hangzhou, China in 2001.

CCAI believes that the most effective way to change the lives of orphans was to bring salt and light to already-established orphanages.  LOCCs serve as a powerful force to bring positive changes to orphanages and elevate orphan care conditions through leadership development, caretaker training, child-centered care philosophy and management, and upgraded care facilities and equipment. Their child-centered philosophy has helped elevate childcare standards in Chinese orphanages in the past two decades.

Since it’s conception, we have built nine LOCCs within existing orphanages, and hundreds of orphans’ physical and emotional health has improved dramatically. Once the child care standards and general practices have been well-improved through LOCC training and modeling, our LOCC operation within the orphanage is gradually phased out.

Operating LOCCs can be expensive. Please consider helping CCAI maintain a high standard of orphan care by contributing to these life-changing projects. Should you like to specify your donation, you can choose between covering some operational costs, sponsoring a child, donating to the general needs of these special children, or even helping to defray the cost of medical treatments.

“Change requires empathy. We must work within orphanages, with their staff and nannies, to understand their needs and empower them toward our mission of specialized child care.”

Lily Nie


Current Lily Orphan Care Centers

Zhengzhou LOCC

Our last remaining LOCC in Henan Province – where CCAI once operated 7 other LOCCs – Zhengzhou LOCC continues to provide specialized care for 20 children, with a staff of 11 nannies. As orphanages adjust to new COVID restrictions and limitations, our LOCC team has continued their dedicated care.

Jiujiang LOCC

We are working on building out an LOCC in Jiujiang Orphanage to strengthen their child care team. Currently under construction, with several COVID-related delays, we are awaiting approval of resuming construction. In the meantime, we have allocated Jiujiang LOCC funds toward 1-on-1 Education Initiatives for the older children of Jiujiang Orphanage.

Colorado Expenses

ExpenseAmountPmt MethodPay ToDue
Application Fee$250Check/ACH WithdrawalCCAIApplication submission
Child Abuse Record Search$35/FamilyCheckCO Dept of Human ServiceApplication submission
IAAME Monitoring & Oversight Fee$500Check/ACH WithdrawalCCAI (Sent to IAAME)After App Approval
First Program Fee (Includes Home Study)$5,700Check/ACH WithdrawalCCAIAfter App Approval
CBI/FBI Fingerprint Search$39.50 per personMoney OrderColorado Bureau of InvestigationAfter App Approval
USCIS Filing & Fingerprinting$775 plus $85/adultCheck/Money OrderUS Dept. of Homeland SecurityUpon I-800A submission
Dossier PreparationApprox. $450-$900Check/Money OrderSecretary of State(s), Chinese Consulate(s)As preparing Dossier
Second Program Fee$5,050Check/ACH WithdrawalCCAIDossier Submission
CCCWA Fee$1,270Check/ACH WithdrawalCCCWA via CCAIDossier Submission
Third Program Fee$5,500Check/ACH WithdrawalCCAIPrior to receiving child match acceptance letter
CCCWA Post Adoption Translation Fee$300Check/ACH WithdrawalCCCWA via CCAIPrior to receiving child match acceptance letter
Court Validation Deposit$200CheckCCAIPrior to receiving child match acceptance letter
Post Adoption Deposit (Refundable)$450Check/ACH WithdrawalCCAIPrior to receiving child match acceptance letter
Visa to enter China$140 (plus courier fee)Check/Credit CardChinese Consulate via a courier/travel agencyApproximately one month before travel to China
US Domestic & International Airfare$1,000 – $2,000 per traveler (adopted child over 2 requires full ticket)Credit CardA travel agency/airline of your choice

Approximately 7-10 days prior to China departure

In China Travel & AccommodationsApprox. $4,000-$4,400 for two adultsACH WithdrawalCCAI (wired to China)Approximately 7-10 days prior to China departure
Adoption Registration and Notarization$800 – $1,000CashLocal government in ChinaIn China
Orphanage Donation(Voluntary)Cash or WireOrphanageIn China
Child’s Passport$100-$150CashLocal passport agencyIn China
Food$700 – $800 per coupleCash/Credit CardHotel(s), restaurant(s)In China
Child Physical & Photo$130-$150CashClinicIn Guangzhou, China
Child U.S. Entry Visa$325Cash or CheckU.S. ConsulateIn China
Court Validation Fee$167CheckCounty CourtAfter U.S. Return
Child’s Colorado Birth Certificate$37.75CheckColorado Vital Statistics OfficeAfter U.S. Return
Lutheran Family Services$250CheckLutheran Family Services via CCAIWhen Home Study is approved by CCAI